TCSG Publications and Resources

TCSG Publications, Videos and Brochures

In this section you’ll find resources available for purchase and free download in the following areas:

Enhancing Legal Services Delivery to Vulnerable Elders

  1. Legal Services Development/Developers
  2. Guides to Legal Services Delivery Systems:  Development, Planning & Evaluation; National Study
  3. Statewide Reporting Systems/Outcomes/Confidentiality
  4. Statewide Standards/Guidelines/Best Practices on Delivery of Legal Services to Vulnerable Elders
  5. Targeting Limited Legal Resources to Those in Greatest Need and Setting Priority Legal Issues
  6. Assessing Legal Needs of Older Persons and Assessing Capacity of Legal Delivery Systems to Meet the Most Critical Needs
  7. Legal Services Under the Older Americans Act
  8. Miscellaneous Legal Assistance and Elder Rights Advocacy

Mediating for Elder Rights

  1. Adult Guardianship and Family Caregiver Mediation: Brochures, Manuals, and Videos (NOTE from Penny to self and Chris:  need to remember to include our two brochures on guardianship mediation and caregiver mediation here)
  2. Mediation to Avoid Court Imposition of Guardianship
  3. Elder Mediation

Championing Alternatives to Guardianship

  1. Mediation to Avoid Court Imposition of Guardianship (Note: this is a repeat of 2 under Mediation.)
  2. National Study/Information
  3. Guardianship and Alternatives Generally
  4.  Guardianship Service Providers (Fee-for-Service Providers)

Promoting Smoke-Free Environments

  1. Tobacco and the Elderly
  2. Tobacco Settlement Funds and Aging Programs


Technical Assistance & Support Available from TCSG

Older Americans Act.