The Center for Social Gerontology, Inc. (TCSG), since its inception in 1972, has been a non-profit research, training and social policy organization dedicated to promoting the individual autonomy of older persons and advancing their well-being in society. TCSG has pursued this goal through a wide variety of projects, including serving since 1985 as an Administration on Aging-funded National Support Center in Law & Aging.
TCSG’s mission is to help society adapt to the dramatic increase in the numbers of old and very old, and to insure that older persons at all socio-economic and health levels are able to meet their needs and use their talents and abilities in a changing society. We undertake to lead, and even prod, policy makers and others to consider carefully the implications of the aging of America in formulating social policies and programs.
In Pursuit of Our Goals We:
Conduct and encourage research on various issues important to development of sound social policy and programs;
Disseminate information and research findings on issues in aging;
Educate public policy makers on issues affecting older Americans; and
Conduct training to enhance skills of professional and technical workers in aging.
Over the years, our specific objectives and activities have evolved in response to emerging issues and as the needs of older persons and of aging society have evolved. Currently, TCSG is focusing particular attention on: law and aging issues and delivery systems; research on the provision of and standards for guardianship services; tobacco and elderly issues; and, the use of mediation in guardianship and caregiver cases.