National Survey of Legal Assistance for the Elderly: Results and Implications

Report of Survey Findings by Respondent Type

This section provides a fairly detailed report on the survey data organized according to the various categories of respondents. That is, the Legal Services Developers section highlights data reported by Legal Services Developers; the Area Agencies on Aging section highlights data reported by Directors of Area Agencies on Aging; the Title IIIB Providers section highlights data reported by Directors and Managing Attorneys of Title IIIB-funded legal assistance providers who do not receive LSC funds; the Title IIIB/LSC Providers section highlights data reported by Directors and Managing Attorneys of Title IIIB/LSC-funded legal assistance providers; and the LSC Providers section highlights the survey data reported by Directors and Managing Attorneys of LSC-funded legal services providers. These breakdowns are designed to assist in more fully understanding the above highlighted issues as well as the variances among the three provider types.

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State Legal Services Development

The Center for Social Gerontology, Inc. (TCSG), since its inception in 1972, has been a non-profit research, training and social policy organization dedicated to promoting the individual autonomy of older persons and advancing their well-being in society. TCSG has pursued this goal through a wide variety of projects, including serving since 1985 as an Administration on Aging-funded National Support Center in Law & Aging.Continue reading