Best Practices & Lessons Learned from Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems
Updated December 9, 2010 This section of our website is still under construction.
As the Model Approaches Projects proceed, TCSG will be continually adding information and documents to this site. Please check back frequently for updated information.
For short-term access, here is a small list of Model Approaches state products:
PRODUCTS FROM MODEL APPROACHES STATES (Please note: not all documents below were produced under the Model Approaches projects; more information will be forthcoming.)
- ALABAMA STANDARDS: Alabama Legal Assistance Program Guidelines for the Provision of Legal Services These Standards for legal services have been effective in Alabama as of January 1, 2008.
- ALABAMA LEGAL BROCHURE: Alabama Senior Legal Assistance Program’s Brochure, Legal Advice and Education for Senior Citizens Updated January 24, 2008.
- ALABAMA AAA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: For use by Alabama Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s). Updated June 6, 2008.
- ALABAMA AAA MONITORING TOOL: Monitoring Tool for Area Agencies on Aging For use by Alabama Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s). Updated June 16, 2008.
- ALABAMA AAA SAMPLE CONTRACT: Sample Contract for the Legal Assistance Program Under Title III of the Older Americans Act For use by an Alabama Area Agency on Aging (AAA’s) and a legal provider. Document includes the “Scope of Services” document for the Legal Assistance Program. Updated October 1, 2008.
- ALABAMA CLIENT SURVEY: Alabama Senior Legal Assistance Program Client Satisfaction Survey For use by the Alabama Senior Legal Assistance Program.
- FLORIDA STANDARDS: Older Americans Act (OAA) Title IIIB Legal Services Delivery Standards These Standards will be inserted into the July 2010 update to the Program and Services Handbook allowing for a July 2011 implementation date. This document includes a cover letter notice of instruction from Florida Department of Elder Affairs Secretary Douglas E. Beach to the Florida Area Agency on Aging Executive Directors from April 26, 2010 regarding the implementation of these Standards.
- GEORGIA CAPACITY ASSESSMENT: At This Time A Report on the Capacity of the Legal Assistance Delivery System Serving Vulnerable Older Georgians TCSG is anticipating publishing The Center for Social Gerontology’s Best Practice Notes in early-to-mid 2013. In the interim, an excellent example of a capacity assessment by the Georgia Legal Services Developer is available for download and use here. Although not produced as part of a Model Approaches project, it can be used as a valuable guide by other states.
- IOWA STANDARDS: Iowa Legal Assistance Program Best Practices 2009 Produced by the Iowa Department on Aging in 2009.
- IOWA BEST PRACTICES DOCUMENTS: These documents relating to best practices for legal assistance were produced by the Iowa Department on Aging in 2009.
- IOWA HOW TO SELECT III-B PROVIDER: Selecting a Title III-B Legal Provider This is a How-To document for selecting a Title III-B provider, produced in September 2009.
- IOWA BROCHURE: Older Iowans Legal Assistance Program This is a brochure to describe the Older Iowans Legal Assistance Program, what assistance it provides, and to whom, produced in September 2009.
- IOWA FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on the Older Iowans Legal Assistance Program This is document with frequently asked questions about Iowa Legal Assistance, produced in 2009.
- IOWA AAA SAMPLE CONTRACT: Legal Assistance Contract This is document that represents a sample contract for Iowa Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)’s to use when contracting with a provider.
- IOWA INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROVIDERS: Legal Assistance Standardized Reporting Form Instructions This form is to be completed by the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Legal Services Provider, produced in 2009.
- IOWA LEGAL REPORT ON UNIFORM STATEWIDE REPORTING: The Iowa Department on Aging’s Title IIIB Legal Assistance Program Activity Report for SY 2009 Produced by the Iowa Department on Aging in January 2010.
- IOWA HOW TO GUIDE: Guide to Developing an Integrated and Comprehensive Legal Assistance Delivery System: An Iowa Model Produced by the Iowa Department on Aging on August 31, 2010.
- VIRGINIA STANDARDS: Legal Assistance: Virginia Department for the Aging Service Standard Effective as of January 1, 2009.