The following materials provide examples of documents from states across the country that might assist state legal services developers, area agencies, legal providers and others in enhancing their legal services delivery system. A number of the documents were produced as part of AoA/ACL-funded Model Approaches to Delivery of Legal Services Projects.
Statewide Standards for Delivery of Legal Services to Older Persons
While different states call them by different names – standards, guidelines, best practices – their purpose is to describe and define essential elements of high-quality, high-impact legal assistance services targeted particularly to the most vulnerable elders, and to set out major roles and responsibilities of key actors/agencies involved in a state’s legal advocacy system.
- Alabama Statewide Standards
- Florida Statewide Standards
- Iowa Statewide Standards
- Georgia Statewide Standards
- Of particular note in the Georgia standards is the section that provides explicit procedures for transition, if a AAA changes legal providers.
- Virginia Statewide Standards
Statewide Reporting Systems on Older Americans Act Legal Services with Indicators of Impact/Outcomes
State Brochures to Publicize Availability of Legal Services and Types of Cases Handled/Not Handled
- Alabama State Brochure
- Iowa State Brochure
- Georgia State Brochure
Miscellaneous Tools to Assist AAAs
Alabama AAA-Related Documents
- Sample RFP for AL AAAs to Use in Requesting Proposals for IIIB Legal Services Proposals
- Sample Monitoring Tool for Use by AL AAAs
- Sample Contract for AL AAAs to Use with Legal Assistance Providers Under Title III of the Older Americans Act
Georgia AAA-Related Documents
- Template for GA AAAs to use in their Request for Proposals for Legal Services
- Template for GA AAAs to Use in Contracts for Legal Services
- Monitoring Guide for GA AAAs to use in monitoring III-B Legal Providers
- Guidance for GA AAAs in Selecting IIIB Legal Providers — PowerPoint Presentation
Iowa AAA-Related Documents
Miscellaneous Tools to Assist Legal Providers