Bibliography of Tobacco and the Elderly Articles

Prepared by: Saidy Barinaga-Burch, J.D., Staff Attorney
The Center for Social Gerontology, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Most recently updated: April, 1997

While there has been a substantial increase in recent decades in the research and literature concerning tobacco use and the health effects of tobacco use, the focus on tobacco and older persons has been relatively limited. The following bibliography, prepared by The Center for Social Gerontology (TCSG), presents a comprehensive, albeit not all-encompassing, list of recent articles, as well as an ample selection of earlier articles, related to tobacco and the elderly. This is a broad collection of work in the tobacco and the elderly field, to be used as a starting point for research by health care professionals, aging and health care advocates, individuals working in tobacco control and prevention, public policymakers, and others. TCSG presents this bibliography in the hope that others will be encouraged to build on this base of research and expand the literature on this topic.

Table of Contents

  1. Epidemiology of Tobacco Use
  2. Smoking Cessation
    1. Education, Advocacy and Policy
    2. Health Benefits/Effects
    3. Smoking Cessation Strategies, Guidelines and Programs
  3. Role of Health Care Providers in Tobacco Control
  4. Health Effects of Tobacco Use
    1. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease
    2. Cancer
    3. Cardiovascular
    4. Cognitive Function
    5. Dental Disease/Oral Health
    6. Diabetes
    7. Drug Interaction
    8. Endocrine/Thyroid/Sexual
    9. Generally
    10. Lung Function and Disease
    11. Mortality
    12. Muscle, Bone and Mobility
    13. Nutrition
    14. Peptic Ulcers and Gastrointestinal Disorders
    15. Safety
    16. Skin and Hair
    17. Stress, Anxiety and Depression
    18. Stroke
    19. Vision
  5. Economics of Tobacco Use, Tobacco-Related Disease and Tobacco Control
  6. Passive Smoking
  7. Politics of Tobacco Control

I. Epidemiology of Tobacco Use

Anderson, E.G. "'These Foolish Things': Reflections on Older Smokers and Drinkers." Geriatrics (1991) 46:71-2.

Andersson, L., and J. Stanich. "Life Events and Their Impact on Health Attitudes and Health Behavior." Arch Gerontol Geriatr (1996) 23:163-177.

Colsher, P.L., R.B. Wallace, P.R. Pomrehn, and A.Z. LaCroix. "Demographic and Health Characteristics of Elderly Smokers: Results from Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies for the Elderly." Am J Prev Med (1990) 6:61-70.

D'Avanzo, B., C. La Vecchia, and E. Negri. "Age at Starting Smoking and Number of Cigarettes Smoked." Ann Epidemiol (1994) 4:455-9.

Falit, J.L., "Cigar Advertising: Targeting 'Baby-Boomers' and Older Adults." Tobacco Control (1997) 6:240-242.

Gariballa, S.E., S.M. Peet, M.D. Fotherby, S.G. Parker, and C.M. Castleden. "The Knowledge of Hospital Patients about Vascular Diseases and Their Risk Factors." Postgrad Med J (1996) 72:605-8.

Gillis, K.J., and J.P. Hirdes. "The Quality of Life Implications of Health Practices Among Older Adults. Evidence from the 1991 Canadian General Social Survey." Canadian Journal on Aging (1996) 15:299-314.

Graham, K., V. Carver, and P.J. Brett. "Alcohol and Drug Use by Older Women: Results of a National Survey." Canadian Journal on Aging (1995) 14:769-791.

Guralnik, J.J., and G.A.. Kaplan. "Predictors of Healthy Aging: Prospective Evidence from the Alameda County Study." Am J Public Health (1989) 79:703-708.

Husten, C.G., D.M. Shelton, J.H. Chrismon, Yun-Chen W Lin, P. Mowery, F.A. Powell. "Cigarette Smoking and Smoking Cessation Among Older Adults: United States, 1965-94." Tobacco Control (1997) 6:175-180.

Jennison, K.M., and K.A. Johnson. "White Collar Occupational Stress, Heavy Drinking-Smoking in Later Life and the Moderating Effects of Social Support: A Longitudinal Study of Older Men." [Paper] American Sociological Association (ASA) (1994).

Jensen, J., M.A. Counte, and G.L. Glandon. "Elderly Health Beliefs, Attitudes, and Maintenance." Prev Med (1992) 21:483-497.

Joseph, C.L. "Alcohol and Drug Misuse in the Nursing Home." Int J Addict (1995) 30:1953-1984.

King, A.C., C.B. Taylor, and W.L. Haskell. "Smoking in Older Women. Is Being Female a 'Risk Factor' for Continued Cigarette Use?" Arch Intern Med (1990) 150:1841-6.

Lockery, S.A., and E.P. Stanford. "Physical Activity and Smoking: Gender Comparisons Among Older African American Adults." J Health Care Poor Underserved (1996) 7:232-51.

Lubben, J.E., P.G. Weiler, and I. Chi. "Gender and Ethnic Differences in the Health Practices of the Elderly Poor." J Clin Epidemiol (1989) 42:725-733.

Lubben, J.E., P.G. Weiler, and I. Chi. "Health Practices of the Elderly Poor." Am J Public Health (1989) 79:731-4.

Markides, K.S., and S.A. Black. "Aging and Health Behaviors in Mexican Americans." Fam Community Health (1996) 19:11-18.

Orleans, C.T., B.K. Rimer, S. Cristinzio, M.K. Keintz, and L. Fleisher. "A National Survey of Older Smokers: Treatment Needs of a Growing Population." Health Psychol (1991) 10:343-351.

Pierce, J., G. Giovino, E. Hatziandreu, and D. Shopland. "National Age and Sex Differences in Quitting Smoking." J Psychoactive Drugs (1989) 21:293-298.

Potts, M.K., M. Hurwicz, M.S. Goldstein, and E. Berkanovic. "Social Support, Health-Promotive Beliefs, and Preventive Health Behaviors Among the Elderly." J Appl Gerontol (1992) 11:425-440.

Rimer, B.K., and C.T. Orleans. "Older Smokers." Nicotine Addiction: Principles and Management. Ed. C.T. Orleans and J. Slade. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 385-395.

Rimer, B.K., C.T. Orleans, M.K. Keintz, S. Cristinzio, and L. Fleisher. "The Older Smoker: Status, Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention." Chest (1990) 97:547-53.

Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate. Developments in Aging, Vol. 3. Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 10, 1986.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville Maryland: Centers for Disease Control, Office on Smoking and Health, 1984. (DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 84-5024).

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking: Chronic Obstructive Lung disease: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Maryland: Centers for Disease Control, Office on Smoking and Health, 1984. (DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 84-50205).

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress. A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Maryland: Centers for Disease Control, Center for Health Promotion and Education, Office on Smoking and Health, 1989. (DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 89-8411, prepublication version).

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Long-term Psychological and Behavioral Consequences and Correlates of Smoking Cessation." In The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Maryland: Centers for Disease Control, Center for Health Promotion and Education, Office on Smoking and Health, 1990. (DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 90-8416).

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Smoking and Health: A National Status Report. Rockville, Maryland: Centers for Disease Control, Center for Health Promotion and Education, 1990. (DHHS Publication No. (CDC) 87-8396).

Wallace, S.P., V. Villa, A. Moon, and J.E. Lubben. "Health Practices of Korean Elderly People. National Health Promotion Priorities and Minority Community Needs." Fam Community Health (1996) 19:29-42.

Weaver, G.D., and L.E. Gary. "Correlates of Health-Related Behaviors in Older African American Adults. Implications for Health Promotion." Fam Community Health, (1996) 19:43-57.


A.Education, Advocacy and Policy

Aging and Health Promotion: Marketing Research for Public Education, Final Report of Contract No. 282-83-0105, ODPHP, May 1984.

American Association of Retired Persons, Health Advocacy Services and Fox Chase Cancer Center, "Highlights of the 'Clear Horizons' Survey Findings," 1989.

Bal, D.G., and J. Lloyd. "Advocacy and Government Action for Cancer Prevention in Older Persons." Cancer (1994) 74:2067-70.

Bergman, J.A., J.L. Falit. "Non-Smoking Policies, Tobacco Education, and Smoking Cessation Programmes in Facilities Serving the Elderly in Michigan, United States." Tobacco Control (1997) 6:194-198.

Cohen, D.L., and S. Fowlie. "Changing Lifelong Habits of Elderly People." [Letter] BMJ (1992) 304:1055-6.

Kaplan, G.A., and M.N. Haan. "Is There a Role for Prevention Among the Elderly?" Aging and Health Care: Social Science and Policy Perspectives. Ed. M.G. Ory and K. Bond. London: Tavistock, 1989. 27-52.

Keintz, M.K., B. Rimer, L. Fleisher, and P. Engstrom. "Educating Older Adults About Their Increased Cancer Risk." Gerontologist (1988) 28:487-90.

Lave, J.R., D.G. Ives, N.D. Traven, and L.H. Kuller. "Participation in Health Promotion Programs by the Rural Elderly." Am J Prev Med (1995) 11:46-53.

National Institutes of Health, Tobacco and the Clinician. Interventions for Medical and Dental Practice. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1994. (NIH Publication No. 94-3693).

Office on Smoking and Health. Smoking and Older Americans: Communication Strategies Background Paper. Washington, D.C.: Public Health Service, 1989.

Orleans, C.T., C. Jepson, N. Resch, and B.K. Rimer. "Quitting Motives and Barriers Among Older Smokers. The 1986 Adult Use of Tobacco Survey Revisited." Cancer (1994) 74:2055-2061.

Orleans, C. T., B.K. Rimer, S. Cristinzio et al. Smoking Patterns and Quitting Motives, Barriers and Strategies Among Older Smokers Aged 50-74: A Report for the American Association of Retired Persons. Philadelphia, PA: Fox Chase Cancer Center, 1990.

Pierce, J., G. Giovino, E. Hatziandreu, and D. Shopland. "National Age and Sex Differences in Quitting Smoking." J Psychoactive Drugs (1989) 21:293-298.

Rimer, B.K. Health Promotion and Aging, Smoking Among Older Adults: The Problems, Consequences and Possible Solutions. Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA.

Rimer, B.K., C.T. Orleans, M.K. Keintz, S. Cristinzio, and L. Fleisher. "The Older Smoker: Status, Challenges and Opportunities for Intervention." Chest (1990) 97:547-553.

Rubenstein, L. "Targeting Health Advocacy Efforts Toward the Older Population." Cancer (1991) 68:2519-2524.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Surgeon General's Workshop Health Promotion and Aging: Proceedings. Ed. F.G. Abdellah, and S.R. Moore. Public Health Service, 1988.

Weingarten S.R., E. Stone, A. Green, et al. "A Study of Patient Satisfaction and Adherence to Preventive Care Practice Guidelines." Am J Med (1995) 99:590-6.

B. Health Benefits/Effects

"Brain Blood Flow Better if Elderly Quit Smoking." Geriatrics (1985) 40:21.

Cox, J.L. "Smoking Cessation in the Elderly Patient." Clin Chest Med (1993) 14:423-8.

Dale, L.C., D. Olsen, D. Schroeder, et al. "Smoking Cessation, Functional Status Outcomes, and Survival in Elderly Patients Receiving Treatment for Nicotine Dependence." [Meeting abstract.] J Addict Dis (1995) 14:A6.

Davenport, J., and K. Whittaker. "Secondary Prevention in Elderly Survivors of Heart Attacks." Am Fam Physician (1988) 38:216-224.

"Elderly Can Benefit from Smoking Cessation." Geriatrics (1985) 40:30.

Forman, R., and W.S. Aronow. "Management of Postmyocardial Infarction in the Elderly Patient." Clin Geriatr Med (1996) 12:169-80.

Gannon, K. "Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Osteoporosis." Drug Topics (1993) 137:34+.

Garvey, A.J., R.Bosse, R.J. Glynn, and B. Rosner. "Smoking Cessation in a Prospective Study of Healthy Adult Males: Effects of Age, Time Period, and Amount Smoked." Am J Public Health (1983) 73:446-50.

Gourlay, S.G., and N.L. Benowitz. "The Benefits of Stopping Smoking and the Role of Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Older Patients." Drugs Aging (1996) 9:8-23.

Hermanson, B., G.S. Omenn, R.A. Kronmal, and B.J. Gersh. "Beneficial Six-Year Outcome of Smoking Cessation in Older Men and Women with Coronary Artery Disease." New Eng J Med (1988) 319:1365-1369.

Higgins, M.W., P.L. Enright, R.A. Kronmal, M.B. Schenker, H. Anton-Culver, and M. Lyles. "Smoking and Lung Function in Elderly Men and Women." JAMA (1993) 269:2741-2748.

Hirdes, J.P., and C.J. Maxwell. "Smoking Cessation and Quality of Life Outcomes Among Older Adults in the Campbell's Survey on Well-Being." Can J Public Health (1994) 85:99-102.

Karvonen, M.J. "Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Among the Elderly." Bull World Health Organ (1988) 66:7-14.

LaCroix, A.Z., and G.S. Omenn. "Older Adults and Smoking." Clin Geriatr Med (1992) 8:69-87.

Lawren, B. "Five Steps to a Healthy Heart." New Choices for Retirement Living (1992) 32:44-47.

Levitt, S. "It's Never Too Late to Stop Smoking." New Choices for the Best Years (1990) 30:69-72.

Lie, J.T. "Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's Disease) in an Elderly Man After Cessation of Cigarette Smoking--a Case Report." Angiology (1987) 38:864-7.

Mellstrom, D., A. Rundgren, R. Jagenburg, B. Steen, and A. Svanborg. "Tobacco Smoking, Ageing and Health Among the Elderly: A Longitudinal Population Study of 70-year-old Men and an Age Cohort Comparison." Age Ageing (1982) 11:45-58.

Muller, W.A. "Effect of Smoking Cessation on Mortality of Older Men and Women with Coronary Artery Disease." J Insur Med (1994) 26:319-23.

"Older Smokers Can Benefit from Kicking the Habit." Geriatrics (1991) 46:23.

Orleans, C.T., N. Resch, E. Noll, et al. "Use of Transdermal Nicotine in a State-Level Prescription Plan for the Elderly. A First Look at 'Real-World Patch Users." JAMA (1994) 271:601-607.

Petty, Thomas L. "It's Never Too Late to Stop Smoking: But How Old Are Your Lungs?" JAMA (1993) 269:2785.

Rados, B. "Women's Health: On Avoiding the Nursing Home." FDA Consum (1986) 20:30-1.

Raloff, J. "Older Smokers Still Helped by Quitting." Sci News (1988)134:342.

Rogers, R.L., J.S. Meyer, B.W. Judd, and K.F. Mortel. "Abstention from Cigarette Smoking Improves Cerebral Perfusion Among Elderly Chronic Smokers." JAMA (1985) 253:2970-2974.

Salive, M.E., and D.G. Blazer. "Depression and Smoking Cessation in Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study." J Am Geriatr Soc (1993) 41:1313-6.

"Smoking Cessation Offers Significant Benefits for Older Adults." Geriatrics (1992) 47:91.

"Smoking: Even the Elderly Can Benefit from Quitting." Geriatrics (1985) 40:91.

Speroff, L. "Preventive Health Care for Older Women." Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud (1996) 41:64-8.

Stamler, J. "Risk Factor Modification Trials: Implications for the Elderly." Eur Heart J (1988) 9(Suppl):9-53.

Tell, G.S., G. Howard, W.M. McKinney, and J.F. Toole. "Cigarette Smoking Cessation and Extracranial Carotid Atherosclerosis." JAMA (1989) 261:1178-1180.

Tong, L., M.R. Sptiz, J.J. Fueger, and C.A. Amos. "Lung Carcinoma in Former Smokers." Cancer (1996) 78:1004-10.

Wannamethee, S.G., A.G. Shaper, P.H. Whincup, and M. Walker. "Smoking Cessation and the Risk of Stroke in Middle-aged Men." JAMA (1996) 274:155-160.

Williams, M.A. "Cardiovascular Risk-factor Reduction in Elderly Patients with Cardiac Disease." Phys Ther (1996) 76:469-80.

C.Smoking CessationStrategies, Guidelines, and Programs

Boyd, N.R. "Smoking Cessation: A Four-Step Plan to Help Older Patients Quit." Geriatrics (1996) 51:52-7, quiz 58.

Burton, L.C., M.J. Paglia, P.S. German, S. Shapiro, and A.M. Damiano. "The Effect Among Older Persons of a General Preventive Visit on Three Health Behaviors: Smoking, Excessive Alcohol Drinking, and Sedentary Lifestyle." Prev Med (1995) 24:492-497.

"Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): II. Changes in Adult Cigarette Smoking Prevalence." Am J Public Health (1995) 85:193-200.

Dale, L.C., D.A. Olsen, C.A. Patten, D.R. Schroeder, I.T. Croghan, R.D. Hurt, K.P. Offord, T.D. Wolter. "Predictors of Smoking Cessation Among Elderly Smokers Treated for Nicotine Dependence." Tobacco Control (1997) 6:181-187.

Glynn, T.J., G. Boyd, and J. Gruman. Self-Guided Strategies for Smoking Cessation. Washington, D.C.: National Cancer Institute, 1991. Publication NIG 91-3104.

Grembowski, D., D. Patrick, P. Diehr, and M. Durham. "Self-Efficacy and Health Behavior Among Older Adults." J Health Soc Behav (1993) 34:89-104.

Harvey, R. "Helping the Long-Term Smoker Quit." Senior Patient (1989) 36-44.

Huijbrechts, I.P., H.J. Duivenvoorden, J.W. Deckers, et al. "Modification of Smoking Habits Five Months After Myocardial Infarction: Relationship with Personality Characteristics." J Psychosom Res (1996) 40:369-78.

Mass Home Care. Quitting Time. 1994. (Video targeted at long-term smokers. Available for $30 from Mass Home Care, 24 Third Ave., Burlington, MA 01301; (617) 272-7177, ext. 281.

Miller, C.A. "Helping Older Adults Become Nicotine Free." Geriatr Nurs (1996) 17:96-7.

Morgan, G.D., E.L. Noll, C.T. Orleans, B.K. Rimer, K. Amfoh, and G. Bonney. "Reaching Midlife and Older Smokers: Tailored Interventions for Routine Medical Care." Prev Med (1996) 25:346-54.

National Institutes of Health, Tobacco and the Clinician. Interventions for Medical and Dental Practice. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1994. NIH Publication No. 94-3693.

Orleans, C.T., B. Rimer, L. Fleisher, M.K. Keintz, J. Telepchak, and R. Robinson. Clear Horizons: A Quit Smoking Guide Especially for Those 50 and Older. Philadelphia: Fox Chase Cancer Center, 1994.

Orleans, C.T., N. Resch, and E. Noll. "Use of Transdermal Nicotine in a State-Level Prescription Plan for the Elderly: A First Look at 'Real-World' Patch Users." JAMA (1994) 271:601-7.

Ossip-Klein, D.J., A.M. Carosella, D.A. Krusch. "Self-Help Interventions for Older Smokers." Tobacco Control (1997) 6:188-193.

Pastorino, C.A., and T. Dickey. "Health Promotion for the Elderly: Issues and Program Planning." Orthop Nurs (1990) 9:36-42.

Prohaska, T.R., and M. Glasser. "Older Adult Health Behavior Change in Response to Symptom Experiences." Advances in Medical Sociology (1994) 4:141-161.

Rimer, B.K., and C.T. Orleans. "Tailoring Smoking Cessation for Older Adults." Cancer (1994) 74:2051-2054.

Rustin, T. Quit and Stay Quit: A Personal Program to Stop Smoking. Minnesota: Hazelden, 1991.

Salive, M.E., J. Cornoni-Huntley, A.Z. LaCroix, A.M. Ostfeld, R.B. Wallace, and C.H. Hennekens. "Predictors of Smoking Cessation and Relapse in Older Adults." Am J Public Health (1992) 82:1268-1271.

Shmueli, A. "Smoking Cessation and Health -- A Comment." J Health Econ (1996) 15:751-54.

Vetter, N.J., and D. Ford. "Smoking Prevention Among People Aged 60 and Over: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Age Ageing (1990) 19:164-168.

Wood, John. "Quitting Secrets of Older Smokers." Mod Maturity (1989) 32:28.

III. Role of Health Care Providers in Tobacco Control

Naranjo, C.A., N. Herrmann, V. Ozdemir, and K.E. Bremner. "Abuse of Prescription and Licit Psychoactive Substances by the Elderly--Issues and Recommendations." CNS Drugs (1995) 4:207-221.

Rimer, B.K., and C.T. Orleans. "The Family Physician's Role in Helping Older Smokers Quit." [Editorial.] Am Fam Physician (1990) 42:959-960, 962, 965.

Sennott-Miller, L., E.W. Kligman. "Healthier Lifestyles: How to Motivate Older Patients to Change." Geriatrics (1992) 47:52-9.

IV. Health Effects of Tobacco Use

A. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

Brenner, D.E., W.A. Kukull, G. van Belle, et al. "Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and Alzheimer's Disease in a Population-Based Case-Control Study." Neurology (1993) 43:293-300.

Hebert, L.E., D.A. Scherr, L.A. Beckett, H.H. Funkenstein, M.S. Albert, M.J. Chown, and D.A. Evans. "Relation of Smoking and Alcohol Consumption to Incidence of Alzheimer's Disease." Am J Epidemiol (1992) 135:347-55.

Graves, A.B., C.M. van Duijn, V. Chandra, et al. "Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption as Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease: A Collaborative Re-Analysis of Case-Control Studies." Int J Epidemiol (1991) 20 Suppl 2:S48-57.

Gray, R., A.S. Rajan, K.A. Radcliffe, M. Yakehiro, and J.A. Dani. "Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission Enhanced by Low Concentrations of Nicotine." Nature (1996) 383:713-716.

Jones, G.M., B.J. Sahakian, R. Levy, D.M. Warburton, and J.A. Gray. "Effects of Acute Subcutaneous Nicotine on Attention, Information Processing and Short-Term Memory in Alzheimer's Disease." Psychopharmacology (Berl) (1992) 108:485-94.

Lee, P.N. "Smoking and Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of the Epidemiological Evidence." Neuroepidemiology (1994) 13:131-44.

Mayeux, R., M.X. Tang, K. Marder, L.J. Cote, and Y. Stern. "Smoking and Parkinson's Disease." Mov Disord (1994) 9:207-12.

Morens, D.M., A. Grandinetti, J.W. Davis, G.W. Ross, L.R. White, and D. Reed. "Evidence Against the Operation of Selective Mortality in Explaining the Association between Cigarette Smoking and Reduced Occurrence of Idiopathic Parkinson Disease." Am J Epidemiol (1996) 144:400-4.

Morens, D.M., A. Grandinetti, D. Reed, and L.R. White. "Smoking-Associated Protection from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease." [Letter; Comment]. Lancet (1994) 343:356-7.

Morens, D.M., A. Grandinetti, D. Reed, L.R. White, and G.W. Ross. "Cigarette Smoking and Protection from Parkinson's Disease: False Association or Etiologic Clue?" Neurology (1995) 45:1041-51.

Rocca, W. "Frequency, Distribution and Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease." Nurs Clin North Am (1994) 29:101-111.

Riggs, J.E. "The 'Protective' Influence of Cigarette Smoking on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases. Quagmire or Opportunity for Neuroepidemiology?" Neurol Clin (1996) 14:353-8.

Sahakian, B., G. Jones, R. Levy, J. Gray, and D. Warburton. "The Effects of Nicotine on Attention, Information Processing, and Short-Term Memory in Patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer Type." Br J Psychiatry (1989) 154:797-800.

Salomon, A.R., K.J. Marcinowski, R.P. Friedland, and M.G. Zagorski. "Nicotine Inhibits Amyloid Formation by the §-Peptide." Biochemistry (1996) 35:13568-13578.

Shaji, S., K. Promodu, T. Abraham, K.J. Roy, and A. Verghese. "An Epidemiological Study of Dementia in a Rural Community in Kerala, India." Br J Psychiatry (1996) 168:745-9.

B. Cancer

Baker, S.R., and C. J. Krause. "Carcinoma of the Lip." Laryngoscope (1980) 90:19-27.

Blomeke, B., W. Lensing, A.M. Harrington, E.D. Bowman, M.S. Greenblatt, and P.G. Shields. "Genetic Polymorphisms in Elderly Smokers." [Meeting abstract.] Proc Annu Meet Am Assoc Cancer Res (1995) 36:A708

Brown, J.K. "Gender, Age, Usual Weight, and Tobacco Use as Predictors of Weight Loss in Patients with Lung Cancer." Oncol Nurs Forum (1993) 20:466-72.

Chetty, R., S.P. Clark, and G.A. Pitson. "Primary Small Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas." Pathology (1993) 25:240-2.

Ishida, T., H. Yokoyama, S. Kaneko, K. Sugio, and K. Sugimachi. "Long-Term Results of Operation for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in the Elderly." Ann Thorac Surg (1990) 50:919-22.

Koch, W.M., H. Patel, J. Brennan, J.O. Boyle, and D. Sidransky. "Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in the Elderly." Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1995) 121:262-5

Kuriakose, M., M. Sankaranarayanan, M.K. Nair, et al. "Comparison of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Younger and Older Patients in India." Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol (1992) 28B:113-20

Lederle, F.A., K.L. Nichol, and C.M. Parenti. "Bronchoscopy to Evaluate Hemoptysis in Older Men with Nonsuspicious Chest Roentgenograms." Chest (1989) 95:1043-7.

MacMahon, B. "Risk Factors for Cancer of the Pancreas." Cancer (1982) 50:2676-2680.

Maier, H., A. Dietz, U. Gewelke, W.D. Heller, and H. Weidauer. "Tobacco and Alcohol and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer." Clin Investig (1992) 70:320-327.

Mizushima, Y., T. Kashii, Y. Yoshida, S. Sugiyama, and M. Kobayashi. "Characteristics of Lung Cancer in the Elderly." Anticancer Res (1996) 16:3181-4.

Price, T.F., R.L. Payne, and M.G. Oberleitner. "Familial Pancreatic Cancer in South Louisiana." Cancer Nurs (1996) 19:275-82.

Sandler, D.P., D.L. Shore, J.R. Anderson, et al. "Cigarette Smoking and Risk of Acute Leukemia: Associations with Morphology and Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Bone Marrow." J Natl Cancer Inst (1993) 85:1994-2003.

Schwartz, A.G., and G.M. Swanson. "Lung Carcinoma in African Americans and Whites. A Population-based Study in Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan." Cancer (1997) 79:45-52.

Shibata, A., T.M. Mack, A. Paganini-Hill, R.K. Ross, and B.E. Henderson. "A Prospective Study of Pancreatic Cancer in the Elderly." Int J Cancer (1994) 58:46-9.

Sridhar, K.S., and W.A. Raub, Jr. "Present and Past Smoking History and Other Predisposing Factors in 100 Lung Cancer Patients." Chest (1992) 101:19-25.

Tong, L., M.R. Spitz, J.J. Fueger, and C.A. Amos. "Lung Carcinoma in Former Smokers." Cancer (1996) 78:1004-10.

Yu, H., R.E. Harris, G.C. Kabat, and E.L. Wynder. "Cigarette smoking, Alcohol Consumption and Primary Liver Cancer: A Case-Control Study in the USA." Int J Cancer (1988) 42:325-328.

C. Cardiovascular

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